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Welcome to Disaster Radio Slovakia and Czech Republic

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Our settings

We haved moved to RNode/Reticulum/Nomadnet/Sideband.

First install required software (sideband only if you want GUI):

pip install rns nomadnet sbapp

or macOS:

pip install rns nomadnet sbapp[macos]

Then flash:

rnodeconf --autoinstall

Answer the questions and node the device name of your device (should start with /dev/).

Then run either nomadnet or sideband. Quit. This creates default configuration files.

Edit ~/.reticulum/config and add this towards the end (I kept the ‘Default Interface’ part for context). Of course add your own device port in the ‘port =’ section:

  [[Default Interface]]
    type = AutoInterface
    ## enabled = No means we only want LoRA, so we know it's working
    enabled = No

[[RNode LoRa Interface]]
  type = RNodeInterface

  interface_enabled = True
  # Your port device here
  port = /dev/cu.usbserial-

  # Set frequency to 867.2 MHz
  frequency = 867200000
  bandwidth = 250000
  txpower = 17
  # Important: We are using spreadingfactor 10
  spreadingfactor = 10
  codingrate = 6
  flow_control = False

Who to write when testing

You can write using nomadnet to:

On propagation and routing

There are two ways messages are routed. First is routing when the other node is online. You can enable this mode in .reticulum/config by setting enable_transport=True. I think this is almost always a good idea.

Another operation is propagation. This means sending a message to a propagation node, which will deliver it when the destination will become online. You can trigger the sync to a propagation node from the sidekick menu. If you want to run a propagation node, you need to run nomadnet with .nomadnet/config’s enable_node = yes. Then when sending a message, click the network icon in sideband and change direct delivery to propagation node (there is also a “qr code” option, which is paper QR code, which is a real delivery mode too!

Connect using Sideband app on your Android (and soon iOS)

You can connect to your rnode using bluetooth and use the Sideband messenger.


Our connectivity

View the map of Bratislava - this is out of date, need to be edited collectively or replaced (in progress)